Effectiveness of Apu Wood Plant (Pistia stratiotes L) to Reduce the Bacterial in Leachate on Integrated Waste Treatment Plant of Toisapu, Ambon


  • Hairudin Rasako Department of Environmental Health, Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic Maluku, Jl. Laksdya Leo Wattimena - Old State, Ambon, Maluku province zip code 97 233, Indonesia


, Apu wood plants, bacterial, air pollution, waste treatment plant, leachate.


The high population growth figures in the city of Ambon, contributed significantly impact on increasing production of waste and waste generated, both in large scale for industrial / factory, as well as domestic scale at the household level. Of the total waste and waste generated, estimated at nearly largely banished to the Final Disposal (TPA) in the Integrated Waste Treatment Plant (IWTP) Toisapu. One byproduct of the process is the accumulation of garbage leachate. Leachate contained in IWTP Toisapu already accommodated within a particular basin but there has been no effort or specific treatment for the reduction of pollutants contained therein. The use of water plants Wood Apu (Pistia stratiotes L) can be applied as a natural control, because these plants have the ability to reduce the amount of chemical contaminants. This study was done to see how effective the water plant lettuce wood as a natural control in reducing the number of bacterial contaminants in the leachate IPST Toisapu. The research design is quasi-experimental research (quasi experiment). Samples tested were leachate originating from IPST Toisapu. The parameters measured were the levels of the numbers of E. coli, and coliform before and after the Apu wood plants.


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How to Cite

Rasako, H. (2016). Effectiveness of Apu Wood Plant (Pistia stratiotes L) to Reduce the Bacterial in Leachate on Integrated Waste Treatment Plant of Toisapu, Ambon. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(1), 259–262. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/6230


