Obstacles in Breastfeeding Contributed to Stunted Children Status in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi


  • Lydia Fanny Department of Nutritional, Health Polytechnic, Makassar, Indonesia.
  • Bambang Wirjatmadi Department of Nutrition, Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University , Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Merryadriania Merryadriania Department of Nutrition, Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University , Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Sirajudin Sirajudin Makassar Health Polytechnic, Makassar, Indonesia.
  • Hendrayati Hendrayati Makassar Health Polytechnic, Makassar, Indonesia.
  • Suriani Rauf Makassar Health Polytechnic, Makassar, Indonesia.


The effects of obstacles in breastfeeding towards height of children aged 0-6 were investigated. The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between obstacles in breast-feeding with the height status of children. This study was a survey research using cross sectional study design. Sample size was as many as 201 and were selected systematically and randomly from 15 villages in Barru Regency in South Sulawesi.


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How to Cite

Fanny, L., Wirjatmadi, B., Merryadriania, M., Sirajudin, S., Hendrayati, H., & Rauf, S. (2016). Obstacles in Breastfeeding Contributed to Stunted Children Status in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 29(1), 112–123. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/6177


