Self-Treatment Profile in Makassar Community


  • Rusli Rusli Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health, Makassar
  • Chatarina U. Wahyuni Faculty of Public Health, University of Airlangga
  • Suharjono Suharjono Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Airlangga
  • Hari Basuki Notobroto Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health, Makassar


health issues, self-care, Self-treatment


Implementation of self-treatment contained in all the social and cultural conditions and become part of the development of services in dealing with health issues. Healthy perception that pain affects the behavior of drug use. The use of drugs should be safe, dangerous if not used properly and effectively, according to the rules or how to use related to pains experienced. The study objective was to analyze the profile of self-treatment in Makassar city community when experiencing pains. This type of study used is a quantitative with Cross Sectional Study. This study used survey method using a questionnaire with the aim of explaining the relationship variables reason treatment, socioeconomic factors, a drug services. Linkage of these variables were analyzed as its own characteristics and treatment patterns of Makassar community. The study location were Pharmacies and Drug Stores distributed into 4 regions were the North, East, South and West in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this study was multistage random sampling random. The sampling method (random) ensures every member of the population has an equal chance to be elected as members of the sample. The sample size in this study = 400 people. Population pharmacies in Makassar = 556, the number of pharmacies sampled = 84. The population of drugstores in Makassar = 38, the number of drug stores sampled = 28. Respondents who visited pharmacies sampled = 300 people. Respondents who visited the drugstore sampled = 100 people. The results showed that the people of Makassar conduct their own treatment in accordance with used drugs used with the pains experienced. However, they are less aware of the impact of drug side effects (ESO) and how to cope in the event of drug side effects and public is less aware about contraindications of the drugs used with certain diseases.


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How to Cite

Rusli, R., U. Wahyuni, C., Suharjono, S., & Notobroto, H. B. (2016). Self-Treatment Profile in Makassar Community. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(3), 65–74. Retrieved from


