Knowledge and Readiness for Implementation of Electronic Nursing Record (ENR) in the Andi Makkasau Hospital, Pare-Pare


  • Vonny Polopadang Postgraduate Study Program, Medical Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • Nur Hidayah Vice Dean of Academic Section, FKIK UIN Alauddin Makassar


eletronic nursing records, nursing documentation.


Electronic Nursing Record (ENR) is an application that will be developed to provide facilities for nurses to perform nursing care documentation via the computer software that will allow nurses, provide advantages in terms of effectiveness and increasing the time nurses visit patients. From the preliminary study in several hospitals in general are still using paper format provided by the hospital and some of the results of research in hospitals in Indonesia stated that nursing documentations are still many unfilled, for various reasons, among others, the workload, limited time not kala important is the knowledge of nurses in documentation. Therefore in this study before the development model of nursing care documentation that is technology-based Electronic Nursing Record (ENR), the researchers conducted the initial assessment (assessment phase) regarding the analysis of knowledge and preparedness of nurses in the implementation of Electronic Nursing Record (ENR). This research is descriptive analytic research with cross sectional approach. Sampling was done by purposive sampling to nurses in hospitals Andi Makkasau Parepare of 118 people. Data were collected using questionnaires knowledge and readiness.

The results showed that the knowledge of nurses about nursing care documentation majority have a good category (97.5%) and the readiness of nurses towards the implementation of Nursing Eletronic Record (ENR) are largely in good keategori (58.5%), this shows that nurses in Andi Makkasau Hospital Parepare have big capital and the conditions are ready for nursing care documentation based technology that is Eletronic nursing Record (ENR).


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How to Cite

Polopadang, V., & Hidayah, N. (2016). Knowledge and Readiness for Implementation of Electronic Nursing Record (ENR) in the Andi Makkasau Hospital, Pare-Pare. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(1), 196–203. Retrieved from


