Analysis of Free Fatty Acids Content of Oil Used in Street Food Traders in Parangtambung Village, Makassar 2016


  • Hj. Wahyuni Sahani Environmental Health Department of Health Polytechnic Makassar
  • Hj. Inayah Inayah Environmental Health Department of Health Polytechnic Makassar


Cooking oil, fatty oils, street food.


Cooking oil is one of the basic human needs as a means of processing the foodstuffs. Free fatty acids is the result of the degradation of triglyceride, as a result of damage to oil. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of free fatty acids in edible oils is eligible based SNI 01 -3741-2002 about quality standard of cooking oil before frying and how the content of free fatty acids after 2 times, 3 times and 4 times the addition of cooking oil during the frying process from start to finish frying. The study was conducted in a descriptive approach that is the objective description with purposive sampling method. Analysis of free fatty acids was conducted using a tetrimetry method in Balai Besar Laboratorim Kesehatan Makassar.


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How to Cite

Sahani, H. W., & Inayah, H. I. (2016). Analysis of Free Fatty Acids Content of Oil Used in Street Food Traders in Parangtambung Village, Makassar 2016. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(1), 64–76. Retrieved from


