Detection of Intestinal Parasitic among People Infection with Diarrhea in Al-Fhood District in Thi-Qar Province, Iraq


  • Rabab Al-Mosawi Directorate of Education in Thi-Qar, Iraq


Intestinal parasites, Protozoa, Helminthes, human, stool specimen.


Intestinal parasites are repeatedly transmitted via contaminated drinking water or foot, but may also be spread from person to person through fecal-oral transmission. Gastrointestinal protozoa and helminthes parasites are wildly causing medical and public health problems in developing countries. In period from September 2015 till November 2015 a surveillance study was done, 200 stool samples were collected from attending individuals to Al- Fhood hospital in Al-Fhood district of Thi-Qar province in Iraq, and checks the usual known methods for the detection of intestinal parasites. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in the study area was 30.5%. The parasitological examination of the stool samples showed that the following parasites were detected in the order of importance. Entamoeba histolytica (17.5%), Giardia lamblia (7.5), Entamoeban coli (2%) Hymenolepis nana (2.5%) and Enterobius vermicularis (1.0%) There were significant differences between them. This study also reported that There were significant differences in the rate of infections with intestinal parasites according to sex. The overall rates of infection were higher 31.34% in females than in males 30.08 %. . the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among the age group least 6 years (31.8%) was higher than the other age groups. Intestinal parasitic infection is an important public health problem in Al-Fhood district, Thi-Qar province, Iraq.


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How to Cite

Al-Mosawi, R. (2016). Detection of Intestinal Parasitic among People Infection with Diarrhea in Al-Fhood District in Thi-Qar Province, Iraq. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28(1), 180–185. Retrieved from


