The Influence Provision of Moringa Leaf Exctracy (Moringa Oliefera) against the Level of Mda (Malondialdehyde) in Pregnant Women


  • Nadimin Nadimin Department of Nutritional, Health Polytechnic, Makassa


Moringa leafs, Malondialdehyde, pregnant women.


When pregnancy is prone to oxidative stress and require additional antioxidants. Moringa leaf extract contains a number of antioxidants that can meet the needs of pregnant women. The aim of this study is to determine the influence provision of moringa leaf extract against to level of pregnant women MDA. The design uses a Randomized Double Blind, Posttest controled with samples of non-anemic pregnant women. Samples were divided into two groups: Moringa leaf extract and controls who received iron supplements of folic acid. The Interventions was conducted over twelve weeks. Before and after the intervention was measured MDA in both study groups. MDA measurement is done through urine using Elisa method. Result indicated that MDA comparison between the intervention group before and after intervention were 7.82


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How to Cite

Nadimin, N. (2016). The Influence Provision of Moringa Leaf Exctracy (Moringa Oliefera) against the Level of Mda (Malondialdehyde) in Pregnant Women. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(3), 48–56. Retrieved from


