The Ethnographic Assessment of Program Policy on HIV/ AIDS Countermeasures in Regency of Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province 2016


  • Alwy Arifin Administration and Health Policy, School of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Alimin Maidin Administration and Health Policy, School of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Darmawansyah Darmawansyah Administration and Health Policy, School of Public Health, Hasanuddin University


Norms, Social Values, legislation, prevention of HIV / AIDS.


Order the relationship between the circles Arung / Karaeng, To Same ', and the Ata was carried out by Pangngadereng (customary norms), application of the value of marriage, The general beliefs of Bugisnese in Bulukumba about marriage was so sacred, so that marriage should be maintained properly , maintained its integrity because marriage is a testimony to the the Lord, although there some people already do not really know about the values ??of marriage. Application of the value of marriage; the general views of Bugis Bulukumba society about sex / marital relationship (akkalabineng) based on the wisdom of spiritual understanding of local cultural values ??and religious values.In the aspect of medical tradition of the Bugis Bulukumba; Confidence to the traditional treatment of Bugis society were still high, methods of treatment such as the use of herbs and leaves drug hereditary believed and conducted, go to sanro considered to have the advantages given by God to sanro , the treatment method of Sanro usually with water prayed. The role of society leaders and religious figures, the influence religious leaders in.Bulukumba was still strong, traditional leaders and other public figures according to the role and influence society alike, were considered equally spread the goodness and the public adherence to religious figures.

The general purpose of this research is to recognize social culture system that is focused on social norms and social values ??of Bulukumba community-related efforts handling HIV / AIDS. The used collecting data method in this study are in-depth interviews (Indepth interview), data were analyzed qualitatively.These research findings show that social norms and social values ??of Bulukumba


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How to Cite

Arifin, A., Maidin, A., & Darmawansyah, D. (2016). The Ethnographic Assessment of Program Policy on HIV/ AIDS Countermeasures in Regency of Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province 2016. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(2), 106–112. Retrieved from


