Comparison of Results of Measurement Hand Dynamometer with Lactat Acid Blood Plasma for Muscle Fatigue Level Indicator Hand Computer Operator


  • Hendrik Hendrik Department of Physiotherapy, Health Polytechnic Makassar, Indonesia
  • Tjipto Suwandi Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Faculty of Public Health
  • Harjanto JM Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine
  • Hari Basuki Notobroto Department of Biostatistics and Population, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia


hand dynamometer, blood plasma lactic acid, muscle fatigue hand.


While at Pearson test the muscle fatigue level respondents hands after treatment between groups showed no significant differences p = 0893 (p> 0.05).



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How to Cite

Hendrik, H., Suwandi, T., JM, H., & Notobroto, H. B. (2016). Comparison of Results of Measurement Hand Dynamometer with Lactat Acid Blood Plasma for Muscle Fatigue Level Indicator Hand Computer Operator. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(2), 53–62. Retrieved from


