Pistia stratiotes and Limnocharis Flava as Phytoremediation Heavy Metals Lead and Cadmium in the Arbes Ambon


  • Muhammad Rijal Religious Institute State Islamic, Dr.Tarmizi Taher Street, Molucas 97128, Indonesia
  • Moh. Amin Malang University, Semarang 5 Street, East Java 65145, Indonesia
  • Fatchur Rohman Malang University, Semarang 5 Street, East Java 65145, Indonesia
  • Endang Suarsini Malang University, Semarang 5 Street, East Java 65145, Indonesia
  • Nur Alim Natsir Religious Institute State Islamic, Dr.Tarmizi Taher Street, Molucas 97128, Indonesia
  • Subhan Subhan Religious Institute State Islamic, Dr.Tarmizi Taher Street, Molucas 97128, Indonesia


phytoremediation, heavy metal, arbes.


The results showed that the river water contains heavy metals Arbes lead and cadmium. In addition to the found heavy metals, Arbes in river also found a few aquatic plants that are suspected to have the ability to accumulate heavy metals. After a laboratory test, it turns out both of these plants are used as potential agents of phytoremediation in accumulate lead and cadmium. Pistia stratiotes is able to accumulate lead as much as 16,683 ppm (75,832%), cadmium as 11,585 ppm (77,233%) for 4 weeks and Limnocharis flava accumulate lead as much as 13,799 ppm (62,723%), cadmium as 12,858 ppm (85,720%) for 4 weeks. Pistia stratiotes and Limnocharis flava is very potential as agents of phytoremediation because it can accumulate lead and cadmium in large and a short time.


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How to Cite

Rijal, M., Amin, M., Rohman, F., Suarsini, E., Natsir, N. A., & Subhan, S. (2016). Pistia stratiotes and Limnocharis Flava as Phytoremediation Heavy Metals Lead and Cadmium in the Arbes Ambon. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(2), 182–188. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/5781


