Historical Presentation of State-Religion Relations in Kyrgyzstan


  • Tecer Institute of Social Science, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Phd. Candidate
  • Erdem Ay Institute of Social Science, Gazi University, Phd. Candidate
  • Muhammet International Middle East Peace Resource Center, Advisor, Phd


Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Islam, Religion, State-Religion Relations.


In this study, state and religion relations in Kyrgyzstan, which appeared in world scene as an independent state in 1991 will be discussed. The issue of religious education, in which these relations are more observed and cause both internal and international disputes will be subject of factual evaluation as a sub sample. The purpose and basic thesis of the study, is to present the new aspects in Kyrgyz history deriving from the religious discourse, religion based movements and organizations that we come across at current social and political developments in Kyrgyzstan. In other words, purpose is to expose historical bases of institutional and social relations of Kyrgyzstan with religion if any, and if not, disconnections with the past. Within this framework, while making this analysis, history of Central Asia which Kyrgyzstan is a part of, its inheritances from the past inside the country's current borders will be taken into account and will be evaluated in competence with ethnic, social, economic and modernization criteria. Under the light of this factual evaluation, thesis of this study will be supported and some studies which are generally approved in literature will tried to be disproved and in the final stage, problematique that includes new titles of problems will be presented systematically.


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How to Cite

Tecer, ., Ay, E., & Muhammet. (2016). Historical Presentation of State-Religion Relations in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(1), 244–264. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/5686


