The Ability of ICC to Achieve the Aim of Statute and Put an Ending for Crimes Committed in Palestine


  • Fatima Ezzohra el Hajraoui School of Law, Hunan University, China


ICC, Jurisdiction, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide Crimes, Constraints.


Palestinian membership in the ICC is an important step for achieving accountability for Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians, since it could lead to a trial; the war crimes, Crime against Humanity, genocide crimes and aggression of Israeli leaders. However, many practical and legal obstacles had stands in the way of such an outcome, particularly the political opposition of Israel and its Western allies to a prosecution of Israeli crimes. This was evident in the intense efforts that Israel and the West made to prevent the PA from joining the ICC on November 2012, when a UN resolution recognizing the Palestine


. Konstantinos D. Magliveras, The Position of the ICC Prosecutor in the Recent Hostilities in the Gaza Strip, 25 INT'L ENFORCEMENT L. REP. 209, 211 (2009)

. International Criminal Court Statute, article 15, Paragraph (2).

. International Criminal Court Statute, article 15 Paragraphs (3)-(4).

. International Criminal Court Statute, article 15 Paragraph (5).

. International Criminal Court Statute, article 12 paragraph (2(a), and article 13 (a).

. OTP, Referral under Articles 14 and 12 (2) (a) of the Rome Statute arising from the 31 May 2010, Gaza Freedom Flotilla situation, May 2013, available at:

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. A/HRC/15/21, Human Rights Council, Fifteenth session, Report of the international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance, September 27th, 2010, available at:

. Report of the Secretary-General

. CNN,

. Haaretz,

. International Criminal Court Statute, article 12 paragraphs (1)-(2).

. [6 May, 2016].

. ICC, situation in Palestine, [6 May 2016].

. Amnesty International's Response to the ICC Office of the Prosecutor's Statement that It cannot Investigate Crimes Committed During the Gaza Conflict, (Apr. 4, 2012).

. The United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 67/19,On 29 November 2012, in a 138

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. William A. Schabas, The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute, Oxford University Press 2010, p. p. 1196

. Reference can inter alia be made to the provisions on jurisdiction in articles 11 to 13.


. Yuval Shany,

. Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements between Israel and the PLO, article 1(1), (accessed 8 December 2014).

. Ibid.

. Valentina Azarov and Chantal Meloni,

. In April 2014, Palestine acceded to 20 international treaties and conventions. See (accessed 8 December 2014).

. The Washington Post, (accessed 8 December 2014).

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. Alain Pellet,

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. The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, (accessed 8 December 2014)

. Parliamentarians for Global Action, (accessed 8 December 2014).


. UNESCO, (accessed 8 December 2014).

. Article 125(2) of Rome Statute.

. William A. Schabas,

. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, available at:; Al Jazeera

. Article 1 of International Criminal Court Statute.

. Preamble of International Criminal Court Statute.




How to Cite

el Hajraoui, F. E. (2016). The Ability of ICC to Achieve the Aim of Statute and Put an Ending for Crimes Committed in Palestine. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(3), 275–288. Retrieved from


