Perspective of Social Network within Training Needs Assessment Apparatus Resources in Jember Government


  • Selfi B. Helpiastuti Postgraduate Student of Airlangga University, Majoring Human Resources Development, Indonesia Taman Gading Residence, Jember 68132, Indonesia
  • Mustain Mashud Postgraduate Student of Airlangga University, Majoring Human Resources Development, Indonesia Semolowaru Indah Residence, Surabaya 60119, Indonesia
  • Jusuf Irianto Postgraduate Student of Airlangga University, Majoring Human Resources Development, Indonesia Manyar Tirtoasri Residence, Surabaya 60282, Indonesia


Social Network, Training Needs Assessment.


To achieve optimum productivity, organizations should ensure human resource chooses the appropriate personnel with employment and working conditions that enable them optimally.

The study is to explore the perspective of Social Network within Training Needs Assessment of the apparatus. Aligned of the theory of Training Need assessment analysis found any flaws in the process of collecting and obtaining information about the organization expressed or implied needs that can be met in the training plan. Deficiencies in Training Need assessment models are also believed as a result of inequality of social resources and a lack of attention to the influence of social networks on the benefits of information about training needs. By entering a social network that is the transactional content, has the Nature of the links, and the structural characteristic in the model Training Need assessment will make it easier and as consideration in planning future training, In such conditions, community personnel resources will be easier to achieve opportunities for initiation, creation and innovation in training tailored to the needs of their roles, responsibilities and functions. So each organization must prepare a program which contains activities that can enhance the capabilities and professionalism of the human resources of the apparatus so that the organization can survive and develop in accordance with the organization's environment.


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How to Cite

B. Helpiastuti, S., Mashud, M., & Irianto, J. (2016). Perspective of Social Network within Training Needs Assessment Apparatus Resources in Jember Government. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(2), 8–17. Retrieved from


