The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Locus of Control Toward the Job Satisfaction of Educator on HKBP Private Highschool in North Sumatra


  • Aman Simaremare Lecturer of State University of Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan, post code 20221, Indonesia
  • Belferik Manullang Lecturer of State University of Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan, post code 20221, Indonesia
  • Harun Sitompul Lecturer of State University of Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan, post code 20221, Indonesia


transformasional leadership, locus of control, job satisfaction.


This study aims to answer the question posed, namely 1) the effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction of educators, and 2) the effect of locus of control on job satisfaction of educators at HKBP Private High School in North Sumatra Province. The population on this study was 292 educators at HKBP Private High School with total sample of 131 people were taken by using Proportional Random Sampling Technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire by using Likert scale. The research data were processed and analyzed by using SPSS program. The result of analysis shows there is a direct influence of transformational leadership on job satisfaction of educators with path coefficient of 0.188, and the direct effect of locus of control on job satisfaction of educators at 0.213 of educators at HKBP Private high school in North Sumatra Province becomes more higher. The implication of this study explain that in order to improve the job satisfaction of educators, it needs to be done many efforts to improve the effectiveness of transformational leadership of principals and locus of control. Some efforts can be undertaken include self-evaluation, education and training of transformational leadership development of the principals, and locus of control personality development of educators.


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How to Cite

Simaremare, A., Manullang, B., & Sitompul, H. (2016). The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Locus of Control Toward the Job Satisfaction of Educator on HKBP Private Highschool in North Sumatra. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(2), 28–48. Retrieved from


