Study on Management and Medicines Administration at the General Hospital of Jayawijaya Wamena in Papua Province


  • Joel Halitopo
  • A.L. Rantetampang
  • Arius Togodly


Strategy, Management of Medicines, Stock Out Drugs.


While the limiting factor is the lack of funding for the purchase of drugs, the number of patient referrals from the mountainous regions. Coping strategies Stock Out of drugs by way of management has been in communication with some district leaders in the mountainous region but it is also the provincial government to provide financial assistance, although its value is not great but it is helping the government Jayawijaya and the management of hospitals Wamena in meeting the needs of medicine.

The initial planning process for the availability of medicines the hospitals Jayawijaya Wamena Papua Province into account only to the needs of citizens in Jayawijaya, but currently Wamena General Hospital not only accommodate patients of Jayawijaya but also from 8 districts in the Central Mountains. This is one of the factors that led to the availability of medicines in hospitals Wamena experiencing stock outs. The purpose of research is to understand and know the process of planning, receipt, storage, procurement and distribution needs of the drugs taken by the management of hospitals Wamena in 2014, and to know and understand the enabling and inhibiting factors and coping strategies stock outs of drugs in hospitals Wamena year 2014. This type of qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study is the Head of Administration, Head of Warehouse, Planning Division, doctor, nurse, pharmacist and patient. The data collection is done by observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed: the planning process drugs, the admissions process drugs, drug storage process, the process of procurement of drugs, drug distribution process has been implemented, although there are still obstacles and limitations. Factors supporting the availability of drugs is their drooping of the Papua provincial government funding even though it is not maximized.


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How to Cite

Halitopo, J., Rantetampang, A., & Togodly, A. (2016). Study on Management and Medicines Administration at the General Hospital of Jayawijaya Wamena in Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(1), 165–178. Retrieved from


