Relationships of Work Discipline, Leadership, Training, and Motivation to Performance of Employees Administration Abepura Hospital Papua 2015


  • Dhesty Kasim Master Program, Faculty of Public Health, University of Cendrawasih, Papua
  • A.L. Rantetampang Program of Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Public Health, Cendrawasih University
  • Happy Lumbantobing Program of Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Public Health, Cendrawasih University


work discipline, leadership, training, motivation, employee performance.


The results of this study were: 1) There is a disciplinary effect on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.031. 2) There is a leadership influence on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.000. 3) There is an effect of training on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.009. 4) There is a motivational influence on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.025. 5) Of the four independent variables leadership variable has a greater effect this is indicated by a coefficient of 0.628 while leadership training variable coefficient of 0.217, the coefficient of 0.150 and the motivation variable work discipline variable coefficient of 0.007.

This study aims to analyze the effect of labor discipline on the performance of employees in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua New Year 2015. 2) the effect of leadership on employee performance in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua Year 2015. 3) the effect of training on employee performance in hospitals Papua Jayapura Abepura town Year 2015. 4) determine the influence of training on employee performance in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua New Year 2015. 5) determine the level of influence of labor discipline, leadership, training and motivation on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua in 2015. this research was conducted in Abepura Hospital with the entire population is an administrative officer in Abepura District General Hospital which was 71 employees. The research sample is the total population of all employees in the administration of hospitals Abepura Papua in 2015 which amounted to 71 employees. The data analysis was conducted by Cros-sectional study approach. And analyzed with SPSS multiple linear regression method.


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How to Cite

Kasim, D., Rantetampang, A., & Lumbantobing, H. (2016). Relationships of Work Discipline, Leadership, Training, and Motivation to Performance of Employees Administration Abepura Hospital Papua 2015. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(1), 154–164. Retrieved from


