Physiological Status of Four Breed Cattles on Some Different Altitudes in Lampung Province


  • Nandari Dyah Suretno Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Lampung
  • Bagus Purwanto Lecturer in Bogor Agricultural University
  • Rudy Priyanto Lecturer in Bogor Agricultural University
  • Iman Supriyatna Lecturer in Bogor Agricultural University


altitude, beef cattle, physiological responses, season.


Fulfilling the needs of today's society meat comes from local cattle (Bali and PO cattle) plus import cattle and beef. Among the import cattle are Limousin and Simental cattle which are from temperate climates. Based on these conditions, the purpose of this study was to determine the physiological response on import cattle and local cattle during rainy and dry season at various altitudes in Lampung province. The material used were adult cattle: 99 Bali cattles, 155 PO cattles, 66 Limousin cattles and 39 Simental cattles. Collected data were simultaneous weather conditions with the measurement of physiological responses. Data were analyzed using a completely randomized design. The results showed, based on their physiological responses, Bali cattle is the best local cattle and for import cattle with good adaptability is Limousin cattle. Overall the best physiological response in minimizing the environmental effects are Limousin cattle.

Author Biography

Nandari Dyah Suretno, Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Lampung


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How to Cite

Suretno, N. D., Purwanto, B., Priyanto, R., & Supriyatna, I. (2016). Physiological Status of Four Breed Cattles on Some Different Altitudes in Lampung Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(1), 384–394. Retrieved from


