The Effect of
Locus of Control, Intentions, Behavior of DM Control.Abstract
The behavioral control of diabetes mellitus can improve the quality of life through specific behaviorplanning. In the theory of planned behavior, the intentions are needed to bring up a person's behavior. A person can act on his intentions if he has control over his behavior. To control the behavior, the role of locus of control is required. Therefore, the research was conducted to investigate the effect of locus of control on the intention of diabetes mellitus patients in performing the diabetes mellitus control. This type of research was explanatory research using cross sectional design. The instrument of diabetic locus of control scale was used to collect the data. Consecutive sampling technique was used to obtain 134 samples. The data were analyzed by simple linear regression. The findings showed that 88,1% of respondents tend to have an internal locus of control and 98,6% of respondents have a strong intention to control the DM. Simple linear regression test results indicate that the locus of control significantly affect the diabetic patients
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