Test Works on Concentrate Grade Improvement using Mineral Depressants


  • Victor Mphanza Copperbelt University, Riverside Campus, Jambo Drive, Kitwe 10101, Zambia
  • Glasswell Kayula Nkonde Copperbelt University, Riverside Campus, Jambo Drive, Kitwe 10101, Zambia
  • Tinah Phiri Copperbelt University, Riverside Campus, Jambo Drive, Kitwe 10101, Zambia
  • James Mulwanda Copperbelt University, Riverside Campus, Jambo Drive, Kitwe 10101, Zambia


Froth Flotation, Depressants, Concentrate grade.


Flotation tests were carried out with the aim of investigating the effects of several depressant reagents on the concentrate grade recovery from mixed ore circuit at First Quantum Minerals (FQM) Kansanshi mine. These tests were performed on laboratory scale using Deptanes 90, 280,490, and 590 as depressants. Of all the reagents tested, Deptane 490 and Deptane 280 showed significant improvement in concentrate grade in comparison to other reagents investigated. The optimum dosages for both Deptane 490 and Deptane 280 were 80g/t achieving approximately 38% and 29% grade recoveries, respectively.


. F.X. Paquot, and C. Ngulube.

. J. Chadwick. www.infomine.com/library/publications/docs/InternationalMining/Chadwick2011v.pdf [20-11-2015].

. M.S. Davidson.

. G. Hangone., D. Bradshaw., Z. Ekmekci.

. K. Lee, D. Archibaldd, J. McLean, M.A. Reuter.




How to Cite

Mphanza, V., Nkonde, G. K., Phiri, T., & Mulwanda, J. (2016). Test Works on Concentrate Grade Improvement using Mineral Depressants. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(3), 60–65. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/5223


