Influence of Equipment/Object Technology Transfer on the Growth of Micro and Small Catering Enterprises in Nairobi County , Kenya


  • Bancy Ngwiri Lecturer, P.O Box 591, KIKUYU, 00902, KENYA
  • Elegwa Mukulu
  • Jane Mputhia


Cook- Chill, Cook-Freeze, Vacuum Cooking, MSEs


Technology transfer usually involves some source of technology group which possess specialized technical skills which transfers the technology to a target group of receptors who do not possess those specialized technical skills and who, therefore, cannot create the tool themselves. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) need to be strengthened and developed so that the income they generate can support transition in terms of enterprise growth. Over the years, Catering MSEs have shifted from the old traditional methods of operation through the transfer of technology.


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How to Cite

Ngwiri, B., Mukulu, E., & Mputhia, J. (2016). Influence of Equipment/Object Technology Transfer on the Growth of Micro and Small Catering Enterprises in Nairobi County , Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 402–436. Retrieved from


