The Effect of Interpersonal Communication, School Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation to Organizational Commitment of the State Primary School Principals in North Tapanuli District


  • Jumaria Sirait Lecturer of North Tapanuli University


communication, school culture, satisfaction, job motivation, organizational commitment.


This study aims to (1) determine the effect of interpersonal communication, school organizational culture, job satisfaction, and work motivation to organizational commitment; and (2) determine the fixed model or theoretical model that can describe relationships between variables latent causalistic and determine the principal organization commitment. The study was conducted at the State Primary School in North Tapanuli, 2015, involving 186 primary school principals as respondents. The research data captured using a multiple-choice questionnaire Likert scale model. The research instrument first tested, to test the validity by the Product Moment correlation and to test the reliability by Cronbach Alpha Formula.

Data analysis technique is done in two stages namely descriptive and inferential. The purpose of descriptive analysis is to describe the characteristics of the data such as the mean, median, mode and variance. Inferential analysis was used to test the requirements and the research hypothesis. Test Requirements analysis include: test data normality and linearity test regression. To test the data normality of each variable using the Kolmogorov Smirnof Test. To test the linearity regression of between variables performed was using the F statistic test. To test the suitability of the theoretical models used goodness of fit test using Chi Square and to test the hypotheses used path analysis.

The results showed (1) interpersonal communication have a positive direct effect on job satisfaction, (2) the school culture have a positive direct effect on work motivation, (3) interpersonal communication have a positive direct effect on organizational commitment, (4) the school culture have a positive direct effect on organizational commitment, (5) job satisfaction have a positive direct effect on organizational commitment, and (6) work motivation have a positive direct effect on organizational commitment.

Based on the acceptance of hypotheses, the research found a theoretical model or a fixed model that describes the structure of the causal relationship between the variables of interpersonal communication, school organizational culture, job satisfaction, work motivation, and organizational commitment of Primary School Principal.


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How to Cite

Sirait, J. (2016). The Effect of Interpersonal Communication, School Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation to Organizational Commitment of the State Primary School Principals in North Tapanuli District. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 363–388. Retrieved from


