Traditional Animals Knowledge of Kerinci Community in Sumatera, Indonesia


  • Asvic Helida Post Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, Campus IPB Darmaga
  • Ervizal AM Zuhud Department of Forest Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus IPB
  • Hardjanto Hardjanto Department of Forest Management Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus IPB
  • Y. Purwanto Y. Purwanto Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Cibinong Science Centre, Cibinong
  • Agus Hikmat Department of Forest Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus IPB


etnozoology, Kerinci community, Kerinci Seblat National Park, ethnozoology knowledge.


Kerinci community is one of the indigenous peoples living in Indonesia, Kerinci District, Jambi Province. They live around the forest and have interacted very long time, have knowledge of the various resources, especially wildlife utilization and management. This study aimed to reveal the knowledge community Kerinci toward wildlife resources that include perception, identification and utilization category. The study was conducted in Kerinci community in Dusun Baru Lempur, Dusun Lama Tamiai and Dusun Ulu Jernih which is a buffer zone of Kerinci National Park. The research method is done by an ethnographic approach that consists of field surveys, interviews and desk study. The results showed that people Kerinci already have a good knowledge of the resources represented by the identification of animals as much as 85 species consisting of 9 classes with some categories of utilization, especially for the fulfillment of food sources. The results also showed that there were wise utilization by the community so that the utilization of wildlife resources can be sustainably.


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How to Cite

Helida, A., AM Zuhud, E., Hardjanto, H., Y. Purwanto, Y. P., & Hikmat, A. (2016). Traditional Animals Knowledge of Kerinci Community in Sumatera, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 227–242. Retrieved from


