Effect of Giving Food Hospital,Nutrition Intake and Nutritional Status of Patients Tuberculosis Room in the Lungs General Hospital Dok II Jayapura


  • Edmund Yautefaka Yuwana Master Program, Faculty of Public Health, University of Cendrawasih, Papua
  • Noer Bahri Noor Hospital Management Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • A. L. Rantetampang Chief Study Program of Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Public Health, Cendrawasih University


Feeding Hospital, Nutrient intake, nutritional status of patients with tuberculosis (TB).


It is estimated that there are 8.6 million cases of tuberculosis in 2012. There are 450,000 people who suffer from MDR TB and 170,000 fatalities. These deaths in developing countries is 25% of the mortality of the disease, which may be held prevention. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of food and nutrition on nutritional status of patients with TB. This type of research is descriptive analytic approach "Cross-sectional Study". The experiment was conducted at room of Lungs Hospital Dok II Jayapura with a sample of the total population of TB patients by the number 46. The results showed that of the 46 samples, both feeding and feeding 76% less 24%. For good nutritional intake and nutrient intake of 30% less 70%. Based on Chi Square test found no effect between feeding and nutritional status of patients (p = 0.002), and there is influence between nutrient intake and nutritional status of patients (p = 0.00). The food intake of the hospital is one of the factors supporting the nutritional status changes that occur in hospitalized patients in the hospital, where the better nutrition of the hospital, the better the nutritional status changes.

Counseling and nutritional counseling by a nutritionist in patients and families of patients suffering from tuberculosis of nutritious foods to support and help cure tuberculosis, and for the families of patients who are exposed to tuberculosis, so that the condition and stamina to stay healthy and not easily infected with the same disease.


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How to Cite

Yuwana, E. Y., Noor, N. B., & Rantetampang, A. L. (2015). Effect of Giving Food Hospital,Nutrition Intake and Nutritional Status of Patients Tuberculosis Room in the Lungs General Hospital Dok II Jayapura. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 397–402. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4980


