Determinants Implementation of Management Information System in the Health Department of Keerom, Papua


  • Budi Waluyo Master Program, Faculty of Public Health, University of Cendrawasih, Papua
  • Noer Bahri Noor Hospital Management Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
  • AL Rantetampang AL Rantetampang Chief Study Program of Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Public Health, Cendrawasih University


Influence of management, implementation, Information Systems.


This study aims to determine whether the management information system has been implemented to see the effect of the completeness of the data on the implementation of management information systems, the effect of the human resources field of information technology on management information systems, the effect of the allocation of funds to the management of information systems and the effect of the information technology (Hard Ware and Soft Ware) on the implementation of management information systems. This research was conducted at the Department of health and health centers in Keerom 2015. The method used in this research is to transmit a questionnaire to a hundred and twenty officers are responsible for reporting on duty at the Health Department and Community Health Center as respondents. Questionnaires distributed to respondents using a scale Gutman. This research method using a cross sectional study (CSS). Data were analyzed using statistical analysis through cross tabulation (Crosstab) followed by chi - squere and then analyzed using Multiple Logistic Regression.

The results showed that the implementation of information systems management has not fulfilled 100% with an assessment of the implementation of new information systems reached 35.2%, the influence of the completeness of the data with good data 90.74%.Assessment of human resources 17.9% field of new IT implementation, allocation 19.1% of new funds and the implementation of IT devices of 24.1% implementation. Thus, to speed up the implementation of information systems, human resources in IT, allocation of funds and IT devices become part must be repaired and improved.


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How to Cite

Waluyo, B., Noor, N. B., & AL Rantetampang, A. R. (2015). Determinants Implementation of Management Information System in the Health Department of Keerom, Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 385–396. Retrieved from


