Legal and Economic Aspects of the Macedonian Model of Franchising


  • Ljupco Sotiroski State University Goce Delcev, Law Faculty, Krste Misirkov , No 10- a, PO 201, 2000, Stip, Macedonia
  • Oliver Filiposki State University Goce Delcev, Faculy orTourism and Business Logistisc, Krste Misirkov , No 10- a, PO 201, 2000, Stip, Macedonia


Franchising, legal framework, Agreement for franchising.


Franchising is done by global regulatory framework and has an impact to the national legal sources. This article aims to emphasize the importance and functionality of the legal and economic aspects of the Macedonian franchising module and practice. In respect of Macedonian case, the franchising mechanism is getting direct consequences of the national trade in the small and still developing Macedonian economy. The envisaged paper explores various options for national regulation in light of existing EU legal instruments, the substantive nature of franchising and the extent to which that competence has been utilized so far. Special attention is given to the options for undertaking future steeps in creation essential preconditions for promoting of further investments in the Macedonian trade market. In that context, some specific elements have been researched as well as the attractiveness, information sources of franchising and conditions for implementation of franchising.

The main point of researching is related to the Legal framework of franchising, statistics and Macedonian regulatory system, included the Agreement for franchising and adequate module of practicing.


. Vertical agreements in the Republic of Macedonia - Law on Protection of Competition, Official Gazette No. 4/2005, 70/2006 and 22/2007.

. Block exemptions to vertical agreements in Macedonia is the Law on Protection of Competition, published in the Official Gazette 4/2005, 70/2006 and 22/2007 and the Regulation on block exemptions granted to vertical agreements for exclusive right of distribution, selective right of distribution, exclusive right of purchase, exclusive right of supply and franchising

. Public Revenue Office,

Available:, [September 2015].

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. UNITED NATIONS, New York and Geneva, Investment Policy Review Republic of Macedonia, 2012.

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How to Cite

Sotiroski, L., & Filiposki, O. (2016). Legal and Economic Aspects of the Macedonian Model of Franchising. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 327–342. Retrieved from


