The EU Strategy for Supporting Western Balkans Enlargement Process


  • Ljupco Sotiroski State University Goce Delcev, Krste Misirkov , No 10- a, PO 201, 2000, Stip, Macedonia


European Union, Enlargement, Western Balkans European integration, supporting process.


The European Union perceives itself as a successful model for regional integration which it seeks to diffuse by actively promoting the development of genuine (intra) regional economic and political cooperation, the building of issue-related regimes, creation of joint institutions for consultation and decision-making in its neighborhood and beyond as well as between the world regions and the EU. The process of Western Balkans European integration represents one of the clear manifestations of a real regional integration experiences with its growing international influence.

The European Union is seeking to repeat the success of its eastern enlargement in the Western Balkans. The Western Balkans represent a complex and diverse reality in Europe, an integral part of Europe, as well as all the countries that make up the Balkans are European countries. So the raised question is related to standardization of all European countries in political and economic organization, a strategic goal that has been clearly defined since the first day of the founding of the European Communities. Between arguments and counterarguments, Western Balkans countries are turning to the European Union to speed up their economic reconstruction, reconstruction of political road map, improve their mutual relations (long scarred by ethnic and religious wars) and consolidate their democratic institutions and their proper functionality.

The main goal of this paper is to explore the achievements, ongoing actions and specifics within the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, applied model of applicability, skepticism for further Enlargement and consequences of long term existence of the enlargement. Additionally, it has been stated the essence of Negotiation process for obtaining Financial support by Institutions and project launched by the Union.

The process of Support to the Economic stabilisation and Reforms in the Region are more than important subject, based on real applications provided by the Western Balkans candidate states. On a parallel way, in the article is elaborated the subject of free movement of people, as well as visa facilitation,

Finally, the process of Western Balkans integration and supporting process is facing the new challenge with the ongoing and completely unpredictable Refugee crises. The observations and further perspectives took part at the very late stage of the content of the Paper.


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How to Cite

Sotiroski, L. (2016). The EU Strategy for Supporting Western Balkans Enlargement Process. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 278–296. Retrieved from


