Determinants of Employee Performance Analysis In Installation Dok II Hospital Nutrition Jayapura Papua 2015


  • Fery Andrianto
  • Noer Bahri Noor
  • Andreas Rantetampang


leadership, human resources, discipline, motivation, satisfaction, performance.


Performance is a means to get better results than organizations, teams, and individuals with the means to understand and manage the performance in terms of objectives, standards, and requirements agreed attributes. The purpose of this study were 1) to analyze the influence of leadership on employee performance in the Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 2) to analyze the influence of human resources the performance of employees in the Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 3) to analyze the influence of discipline on employee performance Installation Nutrition Hospital Dok II Jayapura, 4) to analyze the effect of motivation on employee performance in Nutrition Installation Dok II Jayapura District Hospital, and 5) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance in Nutrition Installation Hospital Dok II Jayapura. This research uses explanation research is to see the influence / relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable with quantitative approach. The location of the research conducted at the Hospital Nutrition Installation Dok II Jayapura Papua with research time July - September 2015. The method used was survey by using instrument list of questions or the questionnaire as a data collection tool.


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How to Cite

Andrianto, F., Noor, N. B., & Rantetampang, A. (2015). Determinants of Employee Performance Analysis In Installation Dok II Hospital Nutrition Jayapura Papua 2015. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 1–10. Retrieved from


