Indirect Validity Test of Measurement Instrumentation in Flow Injection Synthesis Technique of Cu-Zn Ferrite Formation Process


  • Sasito Edie sarwodidoyo Bandung State Polytechnic
  • Novizal Novizal
  • Khasanah Rahmawati


, Flow Injection Synthesis (FIS), Non-Isothermal, Avrami methods, FIS Instrumentation, Reproducibility, Valid, Reliable, Data logger.


The Flow Injection Synthesis-FIS instrumentation measurement system has to validity test either will be used by workers or for the instrument validity test. Repeatability test is one of easy method to do indirect validity test. The test is done besides of the instrumentation data test but also product consistency test and production system. All of the measurements systems that will be tested have to fulfill requirement as valid and reliable measurement instrumentation. In this work six sample of X-Ray Diffraction test divided in two groups of temperature different have been prepared for repeatability test base in the yield of FIS process of Cu Zn Ferrite synthesis. All of the processes results have to validity test to convince the quantitative product analysis. The indirect test at six yields sample show high repeatability with atomic content deviations less than 2% but in relative validity, fulfill requirement product reproducibility workers. The FIS Instrumentation system include FIS reactor, pH data logger, peristaltic pump which its use in the non-isothermal reaction.


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How to Cite

sarwodidoyo, S. E., Novizal, N., & Rahmawati, K. (2015). Indirect Validity Test of Measurement Instrumentation in Flow Injection Synthesis Technique of Cu-Zn Ferrite Formation Process. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 348–360. Retrieved from


