Evaluation of Service Delivery by the Midwife During the Childbirth Assurance (Jampersal) Program in Sorong Regency 2015 (Case Study in Malawily Health Centre)


  • Alfonsina Kambuaya
  • Andreas Rantetampang
  • Buraerah Hakim


Service delivery.


Childbirth assurance (Jampersal) is a government program started in April 2011 with the goal of improving public access to aid deliveries healthy by health workers in health facilities by making it easier financing to all mothers giving birth, but in the area of ??PHC Malawily there are births attended by skilled non-health and takes place in a non healthy facilities. This study aims to evaluate the service delivery by village midwives at health centers during the implementation of Childbirth assurance (Jampersal) program in Malawily Sorong 2015. This study was an observational study using qualitative descriptive design that is evaluative, the research subject is Malawily health center midwives who perform labor services during the implementation of Jampersal. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and analyzed using qualitative techniques. The results showed that all the midwives who carry out the implementation of service delivery has not gone well because of limited aspects of input that is most of the officers have not been trained APN.

Asfisi and LBW (low birth weight) financing is still limited, the lack of standard operating procedures and infrastructure incomplete so that the workers providing services based on experience and condition, it is of aspects of the process including planning, implementation and supervision are not performing well to look at the low coverage of delivery assistance by health workers who have not been targeted districts, 90% for the scope of delivery assistance by each midwife at Malawily health centre in 2014 at a health facility during the implementation Jampersal 25% mostly take place in non-health facilities and helped by non-medical personnel or shaman, but all claimed to use the funds Jampersal not in accordance with the technical guidelines Jampersal.

It is also common in the period January to May 2015. Based on the results of these studies suggested to the Department of Health to provide ease claiming funds Jampersal, conduct training and equipping their qualifications, devices / drugs / substance in health centre village healthy Pos, and to provide guidance and supervision of a midwife in the village in order to provide delivery services according to the standard operating procedures and technical guidelines Jampersal.


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How to Cite

Kambuaya, A., Rantetampang, A., & Hakim, B. (2015). Evaluation of Service Delivery by the Midwife During the Childbirth Assurance (Jampersal) Program in Sorong Regency 2015 (Case Study in Malawily Health Centre). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(5), 256–264. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4915


