Out Patient Satisfactory Level in Regional Hospital of Abepura, Papua, 2015


  • Yulin Angganita Maniagasi
  • Buraerah A.Hakim
  • Bernard Sanjaja


Patient satisfaction rate, health services, Abepura hospital.


The success obtained a health services in improving the quality of service is closely related to patient satisfaction. Therefore, the management of a health care need to analyze the extent to which the quality of delivered service. This study aims to know the service relationship with patient satisfaction in outpatient regional hospital of Abepura. Method of this research is descriptive analytic research using cross sectional study approach. Inroads sample is all patients who visited in September - October 2015 using purposive systematic random technique with a sample of 100 people. Data were collected from 10 September to 16 October 2015 with a subsequent questionnaire were analyzed using univariate and bivariat. Results of research shows that there is no significant relationship between satisfaction with the physical dimensions of the display (tangible), Reliability, Responsiveness and Care, Insurance, Empathy, the level of interest financing system there is no significant difference, but according to the final gap dimension of service there is a significant difference that there is a high gap between patients BPJS with patients assurance or private / independent. Based customer service performance dimensions window tangible, very satisfactory assurance, responsiveness, reliability and empathy given to patients is very high, but if viewed from its importance for patients is low, which means patients are satisfied with the dimensions of responsiveness, reliability and empathy from the hospital.


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How to Cite

Maniagasi, Y. A., A.Hakim, B., & Sanjaja, B. (2015). Out Patient Satisfactory Level in Regional Hospital of Abepura, Papua, 2015. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(5), 242–255. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4914


