Determinant Factors Affect the Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women and its Impact on Neonatal Mortality in Sarmi Regency 2015


  • Medi Marimbun
  • Rantetampang Rantetampang
  • Buraerah Buraerah


Neonatal, nutritional Status of pregnant women, Neonatal Death


Neonatal Mortality in Sarmi Regency reached 37/1000 KH and the prevalence of nutritional status of pregnant women Chronic Energy Shortages reaches 2013. This research aims to know the variables that affect the nutritional status of pregnant women and neonatal death affect Sarmi Regency, between the ANC of frequency, culture of eating, economic status, family support, disease history and ethnic. This research is an observational analytic with cross sectional study design. The population was the mother who had given birth since January


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How to Cite

Marimbun, M., Rantetampang, R., & Buraerah, B. (2015). Determinant Factors Affect the Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women and its Impact on Neonatal Mortality in Sarmi Regency 2015. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(5), 213–227. Retrieved from


