Determinants Influence the Effectiveness of Health Centre Mandatory Health Effort Program Implementation in Keerom Papua Province


  • Enos Enos
  • Andreas Rantetampang
  • Buraerah Hakim


Effort, Healthcare, Mandatory.


Program health efforts are required in the clinic was launched in 2014 by KEPMEN RI, NO: 75 / Menkes / SK / II / 2014, on the basic policy of community health centers, while the health efforts are required in the clinic include health promotion, health efforts environment, efforts maternal health and children, including family planning, efforts to improve people's nutrition and the prevention and control of diseases. This study aims to collect information on the implementation of the mandatory health efforts on health centers in Keerom. This research is a qualitative research conducted by direct interview. The number of informants in this study there are 9 people, research sites in nine health centers in Keerom is a health care institution which is implementing a program Health Efforts Required. Implementation of Mandatory Health Efforts in the health center in Keerom there are still many obstacles, so that the implementation is not maximized. Some inhibiting factors so that the implementation of Mandatory Health Efforts in the health center is not maximized, including community education levels are relatively low, social and cultural circumstances of the society, public awareness is still low, the lack of health personnel and other factors. So that implementation efforts Mandatory Health in PHC can be achieved in accordance with the target program, it should be in planning efforts Mandatory Health to consider the human resources (HR) owned health centers and the level of community needs for health, indicators of success of each program to be prepared should refer to the plans that had been developed central and local level.

These results indicate that the process of compulsory health efforts still need a lot of improvement, especially in the planning process, which should PHC given full authority to conduct the planning process so that the program produced according to the analysis of the needs of the community.


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How to Cite

Enos, E., Rantetampang, A., & Hakim, B. (2015). Determinants Influence the Effectiveness of Health Centre Mandatory Health Effort Program Implementation in Keerom Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(5), 150–156. Retrieved from


