Burden of Parasitaemia, Falciparum Malaria and Serum Glucose, Urea and Creatinine among Patients in Abbs (Tehama-Hajjah), Yemen.


  • Mohamed Al-Salahy University of Assiut
  • Gamal Abed University of Assiut
  • Bushra Shnawa Soran University
  • Ali Al-Ezzi Aden University
  • Ahmed Mandour University of Assiut


Plasmodium falciparum, hypoglycemia, urea, Creatinine, Parasitaem.


Hypoglycemia and kidney failure associated with malaria is common and depends to a large extent on the local prevalence of malaria. The present study is therefore aimed at assessment of glucose, creatinine, and urea in blood serum of Plasmodium falciparum malaria patients in 63 subjects with malaria parasitaemia were selected as test subject based on clinical symptoms and 30 healthy subjects without malaria infection were included as control subjects. The diagnosis of malaria was carried out by thin and thick blood films. The creatinine, urea and glucose were determined with malaria parasitaemia. P. falciparum malaria infection resulted in significant increase in serum urea and creatinine levels of patients with group mild, moderate and high parasitaemia when compared the respective healthy subject's. The serum glucose levels were significantly reduction with all groups parasitaemia. We conclude those kidney dysfunctions and hypoglycemia are clinical features of parasitaemia malaria. This study suggesting that hypoglycemia with malaria parasitaemia may be associated with status of renal impairment.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Al-Salahy, University of Assiut

Department Of Zoology, Faculty of Science

Gamal Abed, University of Assiut

Department Of Zoology, Faculty of Science

Bushra Shnawa, Soran University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Ali Al-Ezzi, Aden University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Education

Ahmed Mandour, University of Assiut

Department od Parasitology, Faculty of


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How to Cite

Al-Salahy, M., Abed, G., Shnawa, B., Al-Ezzi, A., & Mandour, A. (2015). Burden of Parasitaemia, Falciparum Malaria and Serum Glucose, Urea and Creatinine among Patients in Abbs (Tehama-Hajjah), Yemen. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 323–331. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4899


