The Role of SST Time Lag for Improving the Ensemble Prediction System Model Output of Monthly Rainfall Total Prediction in Indramayu District of Indonesia


  • Yunus Subagyo Swarinoto Indonesia Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
  • Yonny Koesmaryono
  • Edvin Aldrian
  • Aji Hamim Wigena


correlation coefficient, ensemble, PLSR, sea surface temperature


The Japan Re-Analysis 25 years (JRA-25) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) with 1


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How to Cite

Swarinoto, Y. S., Koesmaryono, Y., Aldrian, E., & Wigena, A. H. (2015). The Role of SST Time Lag for Improving the Ensemble Prediction System Model Output of Monthly Rainfall Total Prediction in Indramayu District of Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 142–155. Retrieved from


