An Assessment of the Relationship between Macro-Economic Indicators and Prices of Building Materials in Nigerian Construction Industry.


  • Oladipo Oladipo
  • Francis Olukayode


Macro-economic indicators, exchange rate, inflation rate, interest rate and materials


Unstable economic policies of the government have been traced to have influence on the prices of building materials in Nigeria. This study however, assessed the relationship between selected macro economic indicators (Inflation, exchange rate and interest rate) on the prices of some building materials. Data were collected on inflation, exchange rate and interest rate from


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How to Cite

Oladipo, O., & Olukayode, F. (2015). An Assessment of the Relationship between Macro-Economic Indicators and Prices of Building Materials in Nigerian Construction Industry. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(6), 112–123. Retrieved from


