Relationship between Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, Motivation and Work Environment with the Employees Performance in Health Department, Maybrat District of West Papua Province


  • Derek Solossa
  • AL Rantetampang
  • Bernard Sandjaja


Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, Motivation, Work Environment, Employee Performance.


The success of an organization or institution in achieving its objectives cannot be separated from its human resources, since human resources are going to organize and manage other resources of the organization to help realize the goals of the organization itself. Performance is used for the assessment of the success or failure of implementation of the program, in accordance with the policy goals and objectives that have been established in order to realize the vision and mission of the organization.

In this study, the type of study is a descriptive analytic, while the design is cross sectional study conducted at the Maybrat District Health Office, West Papua in June-August 2015. This study aims to determine the relationship of leadership, organizational culture, work discipline, motivation, work environment with employee performance. In this study, the independent variable is leadership, organizational culture, work discipline, motivation and work environment while the dependent variable is the stafs performance.


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How to Cite

Solossa, D., Rantetampang, A., & Sandjaja, B. (2015). Relationship between Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, Motivation and Work Environment with the Employees Performance in Health Department, Maybrat District of West Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(4), 299–307. Retrieved from


