Nutrient Intake and Remains Food Resulted of Patient at the Special Hospital of Dr. Tadjuddin Chalid and the Local General Hospital of Makassar City


  • Hikmawati Mas
  • Siti Nur Rochimiwati


nutrient intake, remains food, minimum food.


One of indicator as success for the food service in the hospital include nutrients or diets intake and food consumption that put remains by any patients. The Ministry Health of Indonesia Republic have been established an indicator for minimum food service namely ? 20 percents remains food resulted which not be all consumed patient. This study conducted in order to know intake any nutrients or diets and remains food resulted which not be all consumed patients at the local general hospital of Makassar City and Dr Tadjuddin Chalid hospital. A descriptive used as the study designed approach, and there are 35 people as patients at Third Classes have been taken as subject and also given custom food them. The result of this study indicated that both of the hospitals have put a better nutrients food quality to any patients. The nutrient food have an energy by 2632,1 kilocalories, 73,58 grams of proteins, 67,84 grams of fats and 419 grams carbohydrates. The amount nutrient food mentioned has been always given in food service to any patients every day. For all, found that 81,1 percents achieved for nutrients or diets intake and 19,9 percents as remains food resulted which not be all consumed patients. Base on the analyses can be concluded that both of the hospitals have been better performance the food service and to satisfy the minimum nutrient standard conditioned it. Recommended that the management of both hospitals have been urgently established an education to patients about nutrient food consumption and its important consumed all food without making a remains or disposal or effluent it. Beside that, it


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How to Cite

Mas, H., & Rochimiwati, S. N. (2015). Nutrient Intake and Remains Food Resulted of Patient at the Special Hospital of Dr. Tadjuddin Chalid and the Local General Hospital of Makassar City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(3), 396–402. Retrieved from


