How Exclusion of Recurring Expense Items are Related to the Remuneration of CEOs


  • Nahidul Islam


Expense, Remuneration, Mining.


This study examines the remuneration of CEOs impact the decision of excluding recurring expense items in disclosures of non-GAAP financial information by large mining companies in Australia. The results support the context of Australia which is different in terms of the remuneration structure. Short-term incentives are negatively related with the exclusion of recurring expense items in non-GAAP metrics disclosures. The two separate models demonstrate that individual component needs to be considered to get comprehensive insight of the relationship because total remuneration is not statistically significant to the exclusion of recurring expense items.


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How to Cite

Islam, N. (2015). How Exclusion of Recurring Expense Items are Related to the Remuneration of CEOs. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(4), 221–234. Retrieved from


