Determinants of Risk in Solid Waste Management Projects, in Kenya (A Case of Solid Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County)


  • Jackson Mwema Malii Department of Entrepreneurship and procurement in the school of human resource development, Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture and technology Mombasa CBD campus.
  • Fred Mugambi Department of Entrepreneurship and procurement in the school of human resource development, Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture and technology Mombasa CBD campus.


Legal framework, Personnel skill, Policy, Technology


Wastes are as natural as human beings. Man, since history has stayed and lived with wastes, regardless of risks associated with them. The purpose of this research project study was, therefore, to study the determinants of risk in solid wastes projects, in Kenya, where Mombasa County solid wastes projects were taken as a case study. The study, thus covered, solid wastes projects backgrounds, in relation to methods employed, to run and manage them all along history. Further, it also covered their evolution in developed nations and Africa. The research project, was therefore, carried with a general objective of studying the determinants of risk in solid waste projects, in many parts of the world and then related it, with the Kenyan case specifically in Mombasa. Based on this, the research project objectives and questions were therefore framed, specifically in line with, the role of legal framework, technology, personnel skills and policy, as the main study variables as they were assumed to be the

Author Biography

Jackson Mwema Malii, Department of Entrepreneurship and procurement in the school of human resource development, Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture and technology Mombasa CBD campus.

Department of entrepreneurship and procurement in the school of human resource development- Jomo Kenyatta University of agriculture and technology-Mombasa CBD campus,


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How to Cite

Malii, J. M., & Mugambi, F. (2015). Determinants of Risk in Solid Waste Management Projects, in Kenya (A Case of Solid Waste Management Projects in Mombasa County). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(4), 83–109. Retrieved from


