Effect of Ovitrap Modification and Attractant Substances to the Mosquito Aedes Sp Density base on the Endemicity in Makassar City


  • Dwi Ermayana
  • Hasanuddin Ishak
  • Buraerah H. Abd. Hakim


density of Aedes sp, ovitrap modified, attractant substances.


The density of Aedes sp in a region has critical influence on the high incidence of dengue. This aims of study was to determine the effect of modification of ovitrap and attractant substances on the density of Aedes sp mosquitoes in endemic areas of Makassar. The research type was experimental with pretest-posttest Randomized Control Design. Samples are eggs and larvae present in the household who was arrested with ovitrap and attractants. The results of the study reported that mosquito density using ovitrap index in highly endemic areas in the water immersion straw 10% 131 eggs per ovitrap, shrimp soaking water 103 eggs per ovitrap and rainwater result 23 eggs per ovitrap, whereas in endemic areas of low density of Aedes sp trapped using straw soaking water 10% 81 eggs per ovitrap, shrimp soaking water 10% 67 eggs per ovitrap and rainwater 18 eggs per ovitrap. Bivariate analysis results indicated that there were significant difference in reduction of larvae density before the intervention and after intervention using water immersion hay 10% and 10% water shrimp marinade. Where in highly endemic areas the average number of larvae pretest = 17 and postest =7 whereas the low endemic areas the average number of larvae pretest = 6 and postest = 2 with significant value for both sites, namely p = 0.000. The use of lethal ovitrap containing hay immersion water 10% and water shrimp marinade 10% could be applied for controlling the Aedes mosquito.


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How to Cite

Ermayana, D., Ishak, H., & Abd. Hakim, B. H. (2015). Effect of Ovitrap Modification and Attractant Substances to the Mosquito Aedes Sp Density base on the Endemicity in Makassar City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(3), 236–243. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4666


