Performance of Sorghum/Soyabean Intercrop as Influenced by Cultivar and Row Arrangement in the Northern Guinea Savanna Vegetational Belt of Nigeria


  • Josiah Atabo Alfa


Aggressivity, Relative competitive ability, LER.


Field trials were conducted at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) farm, Samaru, Zaria during the 2008 - 2010 rain-fed seasons to study the performance of sorghum/soyabean intercrop as influenced by cultivar and row arrangement. The treatments tested were made up of two sorghum cultivars ( SAMSORG-14 and SAMSORG-17), two soyabean cultivars (TGx 1448-2E and SAMSOY 2) and four crop row arrangements (1SG:1SY, 1SG:2SY, 2SG:1SY and 2SG:2SY, of sorghum : soyabean rows) in factorial combinations. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. SAMSORG-14 was more aggressive in growth than SAMSORG-17. Among the treatment combinations, SAMSORG-17 intercropped with TGx 1448-2E in 2SG:1SY row arrangement had the highest (0.28) aggressivity followed by SAMSORG-17 intercropped with TGx 1448-2E in 1SG:1SY row arrangement (0.05). For sorghum, SAMSORG-14 intercropped with TGx 1448-2E in 2SG:1SY row arrangement was the most competitive (4.6). However, for soyabean, competitive ability was highest when TGx 1448-2E was intercropped with SAMSORG-17 in 1SG:2SY row arrangement (2.24).


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How to Cite

Alfa, J. A. (2015). Performance of Sorghum/Soyabean Intercrop as Influenced by Cultivar and Row Arrangement in the Northern Guinea Savanna Vegetational Belt of Nigeria. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(5), 184–203. Retrieved from


