The Risk Assessment Due to the Exposure of Co and No2 in the Traders in Malengkeri Terminal Area, Makassar City


  • Deddy Alif Utama
  • Anwar Daud
  • Masni Masni


environmental health risk assessment, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, traders, terminal.


Transportation is a major source of air pollution that produce almost 70% of emissions in the world where 60-65% of that emissions, consisted of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This research aimed to determine the health risk as the resulted of the exposure to CO and NO2 in traders in Malengkeri Terminal area, Makassar City. The research used the observational design with the environmental health risk assessment approach. The 48 environmental samples and 58 human samples were chosen using the purposive samplinh technique. And then, the data were analyzed using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) and processed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS version 20.00. The research results revealed that the mean concentration of CO gas in Malengkeri Terminal area at the beginning of the week was 312.59 mg/Nm3; while at the end of the week was 449.06 mg/Nm3. The mean concentration of NO2 at the beginning of the week was 16.49 mg/Nm3, while at the end of the week was 7.22 mg/Nm3. The mean RQ of CO at the beginning of the week was 0.11883; while at the end of the week was 0.15363. The mean RQ of NO2 at the beginning of the week was 0.03424; while at the end of the week was 0.01683. The mean cumulative RQ at the beginning of the week was 0.15307, while at the end of the week was 0.17046. Both CO and NO2 pollutant concentration had not exceeded the threshold limit value. Both the RQ and cumulative RQ had not indicated any non-carcinogenic health risk (? 1). Nevertheless, the result of the analysis

revealed the data that the highest RQ value and the highest RQ cumulative value of the exposure to CO at the end of the week had exceeded the maximum risk value.

ign with the environmental health risk assessment approach. The 48 environmental samples and 58 human samples were chosen using the purposive samplinh technique. And then, the data were analyzed using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) and processed using Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS version 20.00. The research results revealed that the mean concentration of CO gas in Malengkeri Terminal area at the beginning of the week was 312.59 mg/Nm3; while at the end of the week was 449.06 mg/Nm3. The mean concentration of NO2 at the beginning of the week was 16.49 mg/Nm3, while at the end of the week was 7.22 mg/Nm3. The mean RQ of CO at the beginning of the week was 0.11883; while at the end of the week was 0.15363. The mean RQ of NO2 at the beginning of the week was 0.03424; while at the end of the week was 0.01683. The mean cumulative RQ at the beginning of the week was 0.15307, while at the end of the week was 0.17046. Both CO and NO2 pollutant concentration had not exceeded the threshold limit value. Both the RQ and cumulative RQ had not indicated any non-carcinogenic health risk (? 1). Nevertheless, the result of the analysis


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How to Cite

Utama, D. A., Daud, A., & Masni, M. (2015). The Risk Assessment Due to the Exposure of Co and No2 in the Traders in Malengkeri Terminal Area, Makassar City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(2), 148–157. Retrieved from


