Behavior Change Communication through the A-B-C Chain in Antiretroviral Therapy on People with HIV and AIDS in Makassar City


  • Nasrah Nasrah
  • Suriah Suriah
  • Rusli Ngatimin


Behavior change, Communication, ARV therapy.


Antiretroviral therapy (ARV) is not easy; it takes self-awareness and a strong commitment because this therapy must be followed for life and act on time. This study aimed to analyze the behavior change communication through the A-B-C chain in antiretroviral therapy (ART) to people with HIV and AIDS in Makassar. This study used qualitative methods case study approach. Key informant that people with HIV/AIDS on condition ever undergo antiretroviral therapy, aged 20-45 years. CST supporter informant that doctors, counselors and medical records clerk. Methods of data collection is done by in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. The results showed the provision of information on ARV therapy by health workers has become an antecedent that sparked the informant started ARV therapy, but not maximized in the maintenance behavior. This is due to the process of providing information that is not sustainable. Expected behavior changes that maintain the sustainability of ARV therapy action and the correct action to take medication that has not been formed. Still found the informant acted not timely to take medication, missed doses of ARVs and broke up ARV therapy. Consequences become one of the events that affect the expected behavior changes. consequent in the form of social support, positive perception of the benefits of antiretroviral therapy and the stigma of being consequent strengthening expected behavior change.

Social support from family, peers, health workers and NGOs reinforce the behavior, and the condition begins with openness of people with HIV/AIDS. A positive perception of the benefits of ARV therapy adds confidence importance of ARV therapy. Stigma triggered people with HIV/AIDS fight for their rights to obtain public support. Expected to health workers, especially doctors CST counselors and HIV and AIDS in order to provide more intensive counseling and routine, giving exhaustive information via SMS or booklets need to be considered and expected to keep the focus group discussion (FGD) health centers. Informants are expected to continue to use the alarm or have a supervisor to take medication and can open related to family status, especially couples.


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How to Cite

Nasrah, N., Suriah, S., & Ngatimin, R. (2015). Behavior Change Communication through the A-B-C Chain in Antiretroviral Therapy on People with HIV and AIDS in Makassar City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(2), 91–100. Retrieved from


