Morbidity and Immunity levels of Children Aged 6-23 Months in South Central Timor of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia


  • Patmawati Mallongi
  • Suryani As'ad
  • Veni Hadju
  • Werna Nontji


Albumin, Immunoglobulin and Morbidity.


Infant malnutrition affects the immune status. Thus malnutrition can be a main cause of immune deficiency. The impact of nutrient deficiency is may increase the incidence of disease and death in children and mostly in Indonesia today. Feeding with proper nutrition able to prevent morbidity of children through prevention of malnutrition. Purpose of this study is to see the level of child morbidity and immunity status as measured by levels of immunoglobulin and albumin. This research was conducted in South Central Timor East Nusa Tenggara province. Samples for research Morbidity as many as 687, Albumin 357 respondents, while for total immunoglobulin examination as many as 150 respondents. The study design used is cross sectional. The results showed as much as 99% of children have been immunized, in addition to the 61% who were exclusively breastfed. For a history of pain status, 66.9% had suffered from coughing and only 9.0% had ever experienced shortness of breath. For the immunity status of the sample, both levels of immunoglobulin and albumin which is above the normal threshold is 61.3% and 59.4%.

On average immunoglobulin levels was 0.91


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How to Cite

Mallongi, P., As’ad, S., Hadju, V., & Nontji, W. (2015). Morbidity and Immunity levels of Children Aged 6-23 Months in South Central Timor of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(2), 119–127. Retrieved from


