Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg)in the Soil, Leachate and Ground Water at the final Waste Disposal Pakusari Jember Distric Area
Cadmium, Mercury, final waste disposal, controlled landfill.Abstract
Open dumping and controlled landfill were method that used in almost the entire final waste disposal in Indonesia. It was potentially contaminate the soil, and grand water, especially heavy metal such as cadmium and Mercury. The objective of this research is to identifying cadmium and mercury in the soil, leachate and ground water at the final waste disposal Pakusari Jember District area. This research was an observational analytical study conducted cross sectionally. There were six kavlings, three leachate ponds and five ground water. Soil Samples were collected by diagonal method for every kavlings. There were 48 soil samples with composite samples, 3 leachete and 5 water samples. The result showed that mean total cadmium (TCd) and mercury (THg) were 1,46 ppm (kavling 3); 0,859 ppm (kavling4); 0,415 ppm (kavling 5a); 0,16 ppm (kavling 5b); 0,467 ppm (kavling 6);1,459ppm (kavling 9) and not detected for THg. TCd in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0,029 ppm; 0,044 ppm; 0,045 ppm. THg in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0; 0,013; 0,021.
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