Organizational Development Model of Commercial Banks in Indonesia Based on Performance in Improving Competitiveness


  • Lasmaida Gultom
  • Musa Hubeis
  • Syamsul Maarif
  • Dadang Sukandar


commercial banks‘ performance, organizational development, competitiveness


Research on the model of organizational development on commercial banks based on performance in Indonesia has not been done in particular, especially by incorporating elements of ethics as moderator variables. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence and the relationship of organizational structure, organizational culture and Human Resources (HR), ethics and performance of commercial banks in Indonesia as well as provide an alternative recommendation strategy changes in organizational structure, cultural orientation, human resource development and the ethical focus of commercial banks in Indonesia based on performance in improving competitiveness. The hypothesis was tested by using 84 respondents representing 84 commercial banks in Indonesia, which is obtained through an online survey sampling techniques census and 12 economists, banking experts, financial experts, technology experts, operational experts, authorities and academics through surveys and interviews. Data were analyzed by multivariate regression, Spearman correlation and analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Multivariate regression and Spearman correlation results indicate that the organizational structure, organizational culture and HR has a significant effect on the performance of commercial banks in Indonesia where ethics as moderator variables.

Furthermore, the results of AHP analysis showed the main factors that have a significant effect on the model of organizational development on commercial banks in Indonesia based on performance in increasing competitiveness is human resources, the second priority and the third priority are management and technology.


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How to Cite

Gultom, L., Hubeis, M., Maarif, S., & Sukandar, D. (2015). Organizational Development Model of Commercial Banks in Indonesia Based on Performance in Improving Competitiveness. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(2), 219–236. Retrieved from


