The Implementation of Marine Litter Management Program in Watang Soreang Village Soreang District, Parepare City
Coastal Waste Management, Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration program, Community-Based Total Sanitation program, and Community Empowerment National programAbstract
Most of the waste that is found on the coast is plastic waste that comes from the land, so that the coastal waste management program should be started from the land. This study aims to assess the implementation of waste management program in the coastal area of Watang Soreang Village Soreang District of Parepare City involving Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration, Community-Based Total Sanitation, and Community Empowerment National programs. The research was a qualitative study design using phenomenological approach. The informant was determined using purposive sampling method. The techniques of obtaining the data were in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and documentation study. The Data were analyzed using thematic analysis method. The results of the research indicate that in general the implementation of Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration, Community-Based Total Sanitation, and Community Empowerment National programs viewed from communication aspect are quite good as indicated by socialization and the involvement of stakeholders.
Viewed from the characteristics of the implementer agent, the implementer of Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration and Community-Based Total Sanitation programs already knows their task and authorities although there are still some deficiency, while most of the implementers of Community Empowerment National program do not know their task and authorities because of the influence of the quality of human resources and uneven distribution of guidelines. The resources of Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration program are considered being in accordance the program needs, while the Community-Based Total Sanitation and Community Empowerment National programs are still needing improving. Social, economic and political aspect do not give direct influence to Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration program, while the Community-Based Total Sanitation and Community Empowerment National programs are really influenced the social, economic and political aspects. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration program is SKPD in which the responsible agency does not implement the recommendations of program, while handicaps faced for while the Community-Based Total Sanitation and Community Empowerment National programs are incentive problem and the difficulty of changing the community
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