Challenges of Immunization Coverage among a Semi-Nomadic Population in Kano State, North West Nigeria


  • Musa M. Bello Department of Community Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, Phone: +234 8035904581. Or +2348098904581
  • Muhammad Hamza Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Mahmood M. Dalhat Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Zaiyad G. Habib Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Ahmad M. Yakasai Public Health and Diagnostic Institute, College of Medical Sciences, Northwest University Kano, Kano, Nigeria
  • Aisha H. Sadauki Department of Pediatrics, Aminu Kano teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria
  • Bashir Hussain Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Baffa A. Gwaram Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Faruk Sarkin Fada Departments of Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Health Sciences
  • Kamilu M. Karaye Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Abdulrazak G. Habib Department of Medicine Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital/ College of Health Sciences
  • Abubakar U. Bello Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Challenges, Immunization Coverage, Semi-nomadic Population, Northern Nigeria.


Nigeria has been reported to be off track in achieving the 4th Millennium Development Goal (Reducing Child Mortality) due to poor health indicators such as


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How to Cite

M. Bello, M., Hamza, M., M. Dalhat, M., G. Habib, Z., M. Yakasai, A., H. Sadauki, A., Hussain, B., A. Gwaram, B., Fada, F. S., M. Karaye, K., G. Habib, A., & U. Bello, A. (2016). Challenges of Immunization Coverage among a Semi-Nomadic Population in Kano State, North West Nigeria. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 27(3), 186–193. Retrieved from


