The Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract in Breastfeeding Mothers against Anemia Status and Breast Milk Iron Content


  • Zakaria Zakaria
  • Veni Hadju
  • Suryani As
  • Burhanuddin Bahar


Moringa leaves, breastfeeding mothers, anemia status and breast milk


Moringa leaves contain a wide variety of macro and micro nutrients, the results of the analysis of moringa leaf extract contains vitamin C and minerals iron (Fe) respectively 1514.96 mg and 9.72 mg per 100 g. The purpose of this study was to assess differences in the levels of change in the status of anemia and iron (Fe) of the breast milk in breastfeeding mothers who acquire capsules Moringa leaf extract compared to the control. The study design was a randomized controlled double-blind design. Samples were obtained from the working area of Public Health Centers (PHC) Marusu, Maros District. A total of 71 breastfeeding mothers are willing to become the samples were divided into 2 groups randomly. The intervention group (n = 35) and controls (n = 36) each received


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How to Cite

Zakaria, Z., Hadju, V., As, S., & Bahar, B. (2015). The Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract in Breastfeeding Mothers against Anemia Status and Breast Milk Iron Content. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(1), 321–329. Retrieved from


