CO2 Emissions as the Effect of Land Use and Land-Use Change into Palm Oil Plantation


  • Laurinciana Laurinciana Bogor Agricultural Univercity
  • Yandra Arkeman
  • Erliza Hambali
  • Vincent Gaspers
  • Bambang Hero Saharjo


Land use, land use change, carbon stock, CO2 emissions, carbon sequestration, palm oil


Identification of land use and land-use change is needed to see specific land change in the calculation of emissions caused by land-use change. The purpose of this study is to calculate the CO2 emissions due to land use and land-use change for palm oil plantation. The method used is Quantum GIS to identify land-use change and the IPCC 2006 method for calculating CO2 emissions. The results show that the conversion of land for palm oil plantations is still found in areas that have a high value of carbon stocks. Conversion of land into palm oil plantation results in a total value of emissions by 8.95 Mt CO2e/year, a total sequestration of 1.78 Mt CO2e/year, and net emissions by 7.17 Mt CO2e/year.

Author Biography

Laurinciana Laurinciana, Bogor Agricultural Univercity

Graduate Program Agricutural Industrial Technology


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How to Cite

Laurinciana, L., Arkeman, Y., Hambali, E., Gaspers, V., & Saharjo, B. H. (2015). CO2 Emissions as the Effect of Land Use and Land-Use Change into Palm Oil Plantation. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(2), 314–326. Retrieved from


